Peizo round tip ?
Dear Dr Huang
This is a problem I have been facing lately; a sloped
sinus floor. For this case I would traditionally drill
to 6mm (about 1mm from the shortest distance of the
floor). But this usually makes osteotome very hard. I
would very nervously take a round bur to go deeper on
the mesial side (but this is very scary).
would peizo machine with a round tip be safer for
these kind of cases
** Hi Bill:
Nice to see you again !
A case you presented is nice case to practice osteotome sinus lift.
Leave 1 ~2 mm bone (drill preparation to 3.5mm) under sinus cavity plate, then use
medium size osteotome (with some bone graft) tapping into sinus cavity.
After sinus membrane lifting 3~4 mm in length, a little bit shifts mesially to lift sinus membrane
on the slope. More grafts and inserts a implant in.
Please try and hope you get through.
You may take a look my blog about this technic.
Good Luck
Dr Perio
Labels: Osteotome, sinus lift